Professional development

Setting goals and staying accountable

Setting goals for the year ahead is much more than just a new year tradition. They can form the very essence of our raison d’être, particularly when it comes to publishing.

Yet two things, in my opinion, keep clients from fulfilling those goals. The first is being too ambitious with the number of objectives set. Secondly, failing to set up accountability and progression points along the way.

Having a milestone for each step is critical for measuring progressing and achieving a successful outcome.

So, as we near the end of January, it’s time for a check-in.

How many objectives did you set, and what action have you taken towards achieving them? Setting aside an hour once a month to review your progress is a good starting point. But to move forward, you need to go further – find a suitable mentor.

Finding a mentor

Only those who have been through the mentoring process fully understand its value. Investing in a business mentor will enhance your professional development and personal growth.

Why? Because having a mentor helps you determine important goals as well as identify and set those crucial milestones. Plus, they will also monitor your progress and hold you accountable.

So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to find a mentor.

What to work with me? My consultancy practise offers an individually tailored mentoring program to help you and your business thrive. Find out more at